This is the stuff of which Greek dramas are made: impatience, terror, self-discovery, self-doubt, pain, vulnerability, role-playing and a sense of immortality, all of which converge in these astonishing photographs. With sublime dignity, acute wit and feral grace, Sally Mann’s pictures explore the eternal struggle between the child’s simultaneous dependence and quest for autonomy-the holding on and the breaking away.

Taken against the Arcadian backdrop of her woodland summer home in Virginia, Sally Mann’s extraordinary, intimate photographs of her children reveal truths that embody the individuality of her own family yet ultimately take on a universal quality. Once posted you lose any reasonable expectation of privacy, so, as this is an open forum (with no privilege attached), please be extra careful when considering what to post online (forewarned is forearmed.First published in 1992, Immediate Family has been lauded by critics as one of the great photography books of our time, and among the most influential. It is essentially an admission / confession and can be introduced into evidence as a statement against your interest in a subsequent legal proceeding. Fourth: Anything that you post on Avvo (or on similar sites) or on any social media is by its nature public. I hope that I have been helpful in answering your question.įirst, second and third: No attorney-client relationship exists by virtue of any Q&A with Michael A.

If I were you I would A) NOT (caps intentional) return to that site and B) consider reporting it to local law enforcement. On the other hand, if you uploaded or downloaded or spent any appreciable amount of time onsite, well.

If you neither uploaded nor download anything, and if you did not spend any appreciable amount of time onsite then you are likely not going to be targeted.